Monday 16 January 2017



(Open and Closed)

Open Ending:

With an opening ending this is one that leaves the major conflict initiated by the suspense of the plot being unresolved. Meaning it leaves the audience with a definite sense that the story is unfinished and may be continued after the section of the narrative which was also seen.

I feel that Inception would generally be a perfect example for an open ending as the narrative for Inception is about dreams and how they attempt to extract a piece of intel from someone. As they get deeper within the dream they go harder to tell whether it is reality or not. Christopher Nolan actually uses this concept to end Inception as Leonardo Dicaprio's character actually gets his kids back but his symbol of the spinning top tells him whether it is a dream or whether it isn't. From what we as the audience can see the spinning top doesn't stop spinning but from seeing it, it is cut to a black screen which generally leaves the audience in an opening ending and them it makes them think whether he is actually within a dream or in reality. 
Closed Ending:

However, with closed endings this is by contrast, do just what the phrase actually suggests and brings closure to the actual story which presents a definite end to a story which was being told. 

Furthermore, looking into 'The Revenant' I definitely feel that it has a closed ending scene which generally allows the audience to be able to notice that the film is at a closed ending rather than an opening ending and that the storyline is closing for the film. After the initial final fight with Leonardo Dicaprio and Tom Hardy, you can see a ghostly figure spawn which is later found out to be Dicaprio's wife within the film which indicates to the audience that he is dying. On top of this you can actually hear heavy breathing when the screen goes fully black and this tells the audience that he potentially is about to draw his breath. 

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